郭敬明 · 695人关注
英文版: When we or dot when, we can shed tear to say I am very sad. Blossommed when us adult, we are saying me to be absent with respect to the smile that hanging cynical on the face forever. And in the heart early by 1000 knives blood stream of 10 thousand cut becomes a river.
火星文: 當莪們還昰曉駭孓啲塒候,莪們就茴鋶著眼淚詤莪很難過。當莪們長成叻夶囚,莪們就詠遠茬臉仩掛著玩卋鈈恭啲笑容詤著莪鈈茬乎。洏惢裏早就被芉刀萬剮血鋶成河。