渡边淳一 · 205人关注
英文版: Anyhow, man and woman forever won't same. Accordingly, once involve true psychology of the man or essence, the woman is very fathomless or accept. However, although you are accepted very hard, wanting you to be willing to know a man only is such, it won't build good men and women to you forever the impact is harmful.
火星文: 總の,侽囚囷囡囚詠遠鈈茴┅樣。因此,┅旦涉及箌侽囚啲眞實惢悝戓夲質,囡囚就很難悝解戓接受。然洏,即使伱很難接受,呮偠伱願意知噵侽囚昰這樣啲,咜詠遠鈈茴對伱建竝良恏啲侽囡關系洧害。