爱默生 · 983人关注
英文版: The rose before my window, no matter former rose perhaps compares their better rose; They are satisfied at their current situation; They and god are in together today, to them, without time, some is a rose only. Want it to exist only, all the time it is to the queen's taste. Did not wait for Xie Lei to broaden, its whole life already activity, do not see in blooming flower its are much, also did not see in leafless origin its are little. Its nature got satisfaction, it also satisfied nature, it is same momently.
火星文: 莪窗前啲玫瑰婲,鈈管從前啲玫瑰婲戓者仳咜們哽恏啲玫瑰婲;咜們滿足於自己啲哯狀;紟兲咜們與仩渧哃茬,對咜們唻詤,莈洧塒間,洧啲呮昰玫瑰。呮偠咜存茬,烸塒烸刻咜都昰盡善盡媄啲。莈等旪蕾綻開,咜啲整個苼命就巳經活動叻,茬盛開啲婲朵裏鈈見其哆,茬無旪啲根孓ф吔未見其尐。咜啲兲性嘚箌叻滿足,咜吔滿足叻夶自然,塒塒刻刻都昰┅樣。
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