巴菲特 · 248人关注
英文版: Vagrant person, may not is stray person. My means has some of person that loaf about, it is stray person! But a lot of scenes fall, those who wander in the choice is labyrinthian in do not mean loss, lead to however one of road needs the road of classics.
火星文: 遊蕩啲囚,未必都昰迷蕗啲囚。莪啲意思昰洧些遊蕩啲囚,就昰迷蕗啲囚!鈳昰很哆情景丅,徘徊茬選擇啲迷宮ф並鈈意菋著迷夨,洏昰通往㊣途啲┅條必經の蕗。