季羡林 · 967人关注
英文版: What the west adopts is strong method, want conquer nature, and east criterion view uses the method with friendly peace, namely day person syncretic. Want to become a friend at nature first, stretch his hand to ask for the mankind to live to nature again next everything of a need. Dai Dazhe of the Song Dynasty learns a Zhang Zai to say: Civilian, my brethrens, content, I and also.
火星文: 覀方采取啲昰強硬啲掱段,偠征垺自然,洏東方則主漲采鼡囷平伖恏啲掱段,吔就昰兲囚匼┅。偠先於自然做萠伖,然後洅伸掱姠自然索取囚類苼存所需偠啲┅切。宋玳夶哲學鎵漲載詤:囻,吾哃胞,粅,吾與吔。