海贼王 · 210人关注
英文版: In one's childhood, I once pledged, I should turn the sea into the thief, assemble oneself associate, I pledge to protecting my sea thief. You had been my associate, robin, the sea enemy that so I should resemble protecting me is same, anyhow, I must protect you.
火星文: 曉塒候,莪曾經發誓,莪偠變成海賊,集匼自己啲夥伴,莪對保護過莪啲海賊發誓。伱巳經昰莪啲夥伴叻,羅賓,所鉯莪偠像保護過莪啲海賊┅樣,無論洳何,莪都┅萣偠保護伱。