张小娴 · 318人关注
英文版: Can everybody find love? Some people are really also had not talked about love all one's life, the person of that determined by fate, did not appear in his life all the time. This thing does not have favour or misfortune, it is fortune. Some people have a lot of love, in the end however not likely is happy, without the person of love, also can live very well euqally.
火星文: 昰鈈昰烸個囚都能夠找箌愛情?洧些囚啲確昰┅輩孓吔莈談過戀愛,那個命萣啲囚,┅直莈洧茬彵苼命裏絀哯。這倳莈洧圉戓鈈圉,都昰際遇。洧些囚洧很哆愛情,箌頭唻卻鈈見嘚圉鍢,莈洧愛情啲囚,吔┅樣鈳鉯苼活嘚很恏。