曾国藩 · 945人关注
英文版: Complacent and happy event, frustrated and angry, be arranged to go against assign, he Ceng makes a winner. Equestrian ox humanness is wearing nostril, want to go all right, want to stop, do not know the person that all assign on the world get me, all be the person that wear my nostril also. Come from face dusk, come less oneself old, geometry of the person that are its Ma Niu? Ai Zai!
火星文: 嘚意洏囍,夨意洏怒,便被順逆差遣,何曾作嘚主。驫犇為囚穿著鼻孔,偠荇則荇,偠止則止,鈈知卋仩┅切差遣嘚莪者,皆昰穿莪鼻孔者吔。自朝至暮,自尐至咾,其鈈為驫犇者幾何?哀哉!