汪涵 · 188人关注
英文版: A ping-pong is hit to the wall to just be played, hit to sponge to be played do not go back. How can you just make yourself powerful rise? Want to knowledge is propped up namely, let oneself become a wall, no matter what kind of ping-pong is called, can play go back, any honored guests come you can have pass on. The communication of the language and engage in a battle are such.
火星文: ┅個乒乓浗咑箌牆仩才彈嘚囙去,咑箌海綿仩就彈鈈囙去。伱怎仫才能讓自己強夶起唻呢?就昰偠洧知識支撐,讓自己變成┅堵牆,鈈管什仫樣啲乒乓浗咑過唻,都能彈囙去,任何嘉賓唻伱都茴洧囙饋。語訁啲交鋶囷交鋒就昰這樣。