渡边淳一 · 326人关注
英文版: The husband does not have grown child like. They have the characteristic that be not stabilized and does not stabilize. They married apparently, but they always change attention to the world outside. They often want to run away from home, they always are everywhere look around, impatient enrages impetuous, idea often also is in the condition that drifts for nothing partly.
火星文: 丈夫就像┅個莈洧長夶啲駭孓。彵們洧鈈穩萣囷鈈穩萣啲特點。彵們顯然結婚叻,但彵們總昰紦紸意仂轉姠外面啲卋堺。彵們經瑺想離鎵絀赱,彵們總昰四處漲望,惢浮気躁,惢思吔瑺瑺處於半涳飄蕩啲狀態。