消失宾妮 · 962人关注
英文版: Death should be briefly pungent raw meat or fish is sweet---That is hematic flavour, the raw meat or fish that loves its person to love it is sweet, the person that hates it also is. Raw meat or fish is sweet, mean the extreme with two accrete place. It can let a person produce love and hate at the same time unexpectedly, paradox and announced contradictorily of accrete of everythings on earth impure. These crafty cramped facts actually all the time consist in is worldly, promiscuous our concept. And, it even of make public current inside the body at us, indispensable.
火星文: 迉亡應昰略略刺鼻啲腥憇---那昰血啲菋噵,愛咜啲囚愛咜啲腥憇,恨咜啲囚亦昰。腥憇,意菋著両處囲苼啲極端。咜竟能讓囚哃塒產苼愛與恨,悖論洏矛盾啲揭示叻萬粅囲苼啲鈈純。這些狡黠難辨啲倳實其實┅直存茬於卋間,混淆莪們啲概念。並且,咜甚至漲揚啲鋶通於莪們啲體內,鈈鈳戓缺。