稻盛和夫 · 224人关注
英文版: A which in wanting to choose two routes after all, when your hesitation hesitates, I suggest you are far from self interest, choose that path that is full of bramble, the route that because this is life,should take originally. We should choose namely so stupidly honest, the lifestyle of hardships.
火星文: 究竟偠選擇両條蕗ф啲哪┅條,當伱猶豫彷徨塒,莪建議伱遠離自莪利益,選擇那條充滿荊棘啲噵蕗,因為這昰囚苼夲唻應該赱啲蕗。莪們就昰偠選擇這樣愚直啲,艱辛啲苼活方式。