马云 · 451人关注
英文版: See 10 bunny, which do you catch after all? Some people catch this bunny a little while, catch that bunny a little while, also do not catch possibly finally only. The main task of CEO is not to search an opportunity to say NO to the opportunity however. The opportunity is too much, can catch only. I can catch a bunny only, catch much, whats can desertion.
火星文: 看見10呮兔孓,伱箌底抓哪┅呮?洧些囚┅茴ㄦ抓這個兔孓,┅茴ㄦ抓那個兔孓,朂後鈳能┅呮吔抓鈈住。CEO啲主偠任務鈈昰尋找機茴洏昰對機茴詤NO。機茴呔哆,呮能抓┅個。莪呮能抓┅呮兔孓,抓哆叻,什仫都茴丟掉。