傅雷 · 467人关注
英文版: The letter before we were not you feels what is vexed or be disturbed. I am right still in the 8th letter you are premonitory, the case of depression of this kind of spirit, still be meeting some later. I am a n experienced person, anything but as to spoffish. You also need not worry for this, need not press forcedly in abdomen not to tell us more. The anguish in the heart does not abreact in the family letter, where abreact again? To who doesn't the child appeal to to parental complaint? We do not comfort you, this who will comfort you?
火星文: 莪們並莈為伱前信感箌什仫煩惱戓昰鈈咹。莪茬第八葑信ф還對伱預告,這種精神消沉啲情形,鉯後還昰茴洧啲。莪昰過唻囚,決鈈至於夶驚曉怪。伱吔鈈必為此擔惢,哽鈈必硬壓茬肚裏鈈告訴莪們。惢ф啲苦悶鈈茬鎵信ф發泄,又哪裏去發泄呢?駭孓鈈姠父毋訴苦姠誰訴呢?莪們鈈唻咹慰伱,又該誰唻咹慰伱呢?