消失宾妮 · 483人关注
英文版: Even if before the road also has an end, but irrespective, I had encountered a gang fellow traveller, we can go the same way, because we can side with the result of an impregnable fortress to develop the past, do not change way however. Wall hind has the world that we want surely, even if cannot get.
火星文: 哪怕前蕗吔洧盡頭,但昰莈關系,莪遇見過┅幫哃蕗囚,莪們能哃蕗,因為莪們都鈳鉯姠著┅個銅牆鐵壁啲結果沖過去,卻鈈改噵蕗。牆後必洧莪們偠啲卋堺,哪怕嘚鈈箌。