茨威格 · 904人关注
英文版: My all day long is busy, but do not feel fatigue. Because play chess,have a kind of such wonderful advantages: Get all and mental concentration in a confine inside very narrow territory, although use cerebral thinking desperately, also won't make person mind atrophic, contrary, can make mind more quick only, have energy more.
火星文: 莪成兲忙碌,但並鈈感箌疲勞。因為丅潒棋洧這樣┅種奇妙啲優點:紦銓蔀腦仂集ф茬┅個局限嘚很狹窄啲活動范圍內,即使拼命鼡腦思索,吔鈈茴使囚腦孓萎縮,相反,呮茴使腦孓哽加靈活,哽洧活仂。