钱钟书 · 833人关注
英文版: The world has two kinds of people only. For instance a string of grape in one's hand, a kind of person is carried best eat first, another kind of person stay best to finally to eat. As usual the first kind of person should be hopeful, because of him every eat is the best; in the grape that takes surplus the 2nd kind of person should be pessimistic, because of him every eat is the grape that takes surplus in worst. Nevertheless the fact is just the opposite to what one wished however, cause is the 2nd kind of person hopeful still, the first kind of person has memory only.
火星文: 兲丅呮洧両種囚。仳洳┅串葡萄箌掱,┅種囚挑朂恏啲先吃,另┅種囚紦朂恏啲留箌朂後吃。照例第┅種囚應該圞觀,因為彵烸吃┅顆都昰吃剩啲葡萄裏朂恏啲;第②種囚應該悲觀,因為彵烸吃┅顆都昰吃剩啲葡萄裏朂壞啲。鈈過倳實卻適嘚其反,緣故昰第②種囚還洧希望,第┅種囚呮洧囙憶。