爱默生 · 734人关注
英文版: A person talks to be equal to his to leave conclusion, satisfactory it may not be a bad idea, against one's will it may not be a bad idea, each his word replaces him himself in the companion's memory picture. The view of avery kind of that he speaks produces an effect to oneself. It is one drops the line ball to the target, still hold the bag in hurler additionally directly however in.
火星文: ┅個囚┅詤話就等於給自己丅斷語,順惢吔恏,違惢吔恏,彵啲烸┅句話都茬哃伴啲惢目ф替彵自己畫像。彵詤絀啲烸┅種看法都對自己產苼影響。咜昰┅個投姠目標啲線浗,然洏另┅頭仍然裝茬投擲者啲ロ袋裏。