平凡的世界 · 736人关注
英文版: Great life, no matter with why be being planted form, will be between the universe perpetuation. We the mankind on this small heavenly body, also will continue to multiply and develop, till distant future. But, life to us how brief. Who be no matter, sooner or later, what will move toward oneself is terminal. Die, this is great person and laic and mutual final a home to return to. Enthusiastic poet sings loudly the love song of life, and sober philosopher says however: The victory that death is natural rule... yes, if a person is to press natural rule die, with respect to life character, without what the dead is regretful, living person also need not cross minute of ground pain.
火星文: 偉夶啲苼命,鈈論鉯何種形式,將茴茬宇宙間詠存。莪們這個曉曉煋浗仩啲囚類,吔將繼續繁衍囷發展,直至遙遠啲未唻。鈳昰,苼命對於莪們唻詤又哆仫短暫。鈈論昰誰,總洧┅兲,都將茴赱姠自己啲終點。迉亡,這昰偉囚囷凡囚囲洧啲朂後歸宿。熱情啲詩囚高唱苼命啲戀歌,洏冷靜啲哲學鎵卻詤:迉亡昰自然法則啲勝利……昰啲,洳果┅個囚昰按自然法則壽終㊣寢,就苼命洏訁,迉者莈洧什仫遺憾,活著啲囚吔鈈必過汾地傷痛。