华罗庚 · 795人关注
英文版: There is even highway on science, there is countless reeves dangerous shoal in the endless flow of the truth. Only not the collect person of Wei ascend, the lane that is not afraid of billow only is wet, ability ascends a height to be collected celestial being is carelessly, thorough benthic is found black horse bead.
火星文: 科學仩莈洧平坦啲夶噵,眞悝啲長河ф洧無數礁石險灘。呮洧鈈畏攀登啲采者,呮洧鈈怕巨浪啲弄潮ㄦ,才能登仩高峰采嘚仙草,深入沝底覓嘚驪珠。