陀思妥耶夫斯基 · 267人关注
英文版: Always new issue is rising a head to always come so, enthusiastic person is very at first much, and before long cool go down, let go to be not done, having understandinging because of him, passing hard work one time is not done, and the person that wants to do only, just bear so that cross this anguish.
火星文: 凡昰噺啲倳情茬起頭總昰這樣┅唻啲,起初熱惢啲囚很哆,洏鈈久就冷淡丅去,撒掱鈈做叻,㊣因彵巳經朙苩,鈈經過┅番苦工昰做鈈成啲,洏呮洧想做啲囚,才忍嘚過這番痛苦。