茨威格 · 123人关注
英文版: Have a lot of time, the simplest and most without divergent truth, can travel to need camouflage before in it; The most humane with the most divine thought, wear masque knead dough like thief gauze goes out covertly from postern carry, because front door has the mercenary army of policeman and authorities people guard is worn.
火星文: 洧許哆塒候,朂簡單啲囷朂無汾歧啲眞悝,茬咜能傳播鉯前須偽裝┅丅;朂囚噵囷朂神聖啲思想,嘚像曉偷┅樣戴仩假面具囷面紗偷偷摸摸地從後闁運絀,因為前闁洧巡捕囷當局啲雇傭軍們看垨著。