卡夫卡 · 127人关注
英文版: Civilized world builds the base in a series of training activities for the most part. This is the purpose of culture. Press the point of view of the Darwinism, human formation is the original sin of the monkey it seems that, and a biology is impossible to cast off those who form him completely to live of fundamental thing.
火星文: 攵朙卋堺夶蔀汾建竝茬┅系列訓練活動啲基礎仩。這昰攵囮啲目啲。按達爾攵主図啲觀點,囚類啲形成似乎昰猴孓啲原罪,洏┅個苼粅昰鈈鈳能完銓擺脫構成彵啲苼存基礎啲東覀啲。