杨石头 · 229人关注
英文版: The man uses an eye, the woman uses a heart. Man eye relies on radiation, feminine heart relies on to conduct. Male chase after female it is swift and violent hit out, but the result often thes sun shines again after rain, female chasing a man is slow permeate, OK however water constantly dripping wears holes in stone.
火星文: 侽囚鼡眼,囡囚鼡惢。侽囚眼靠輻射,囡囚惢靠傳導。侽縋囡昰迅猛絀擊,但結果往往雨過兲晴,囡縋侽囚昰緩慢滲透,卻鈳鉯滴沝穿石。