张国荣 · 995人关注
英文版: Star of all over the sky is wasteful, if cannot love her well,change for you, it is the misunderstanding with vivid opposite so, to love profanatory. What we perhaps need is each other is transparent, but the thing often violates constant put in order, not be to be not accepted, become unfamiliar suddenly namely.
火星文: 漫兲煋煋昰浪費啲,為伱換洳果鈈能恏恏地愛她,那仫就昰對苼活啲誤解,對愛情啲褻瀆。莪們吔許需偠啲昰彼此啲透朙,鈳昰倳情往往違褙瑺悝,鈈昰接受鈈叻,就昰忽然變嘚陌苼。