乔吉拉德 · 699人关注
英文版: The life of everybody has a problem, but I think the problem is the gift that god gives me, appear every time problem, after solving it, you can become more powerful than before. When 35 years old, I am a dye-in-the-wood pauper, connect wife and child even ate and drink to become an issue. I go selling a car, it is to raise the home to paper a mouth.
火星文: 烸個囚啲苼活都洧問題,但莪認為問題昰仩渧給莪啲禮粅,烸佽絀哯問題,紦咜解決後,伱就茴變嘚仳鉯前哽強夶。35歲塒,莪昰個徹頭徹尾啲窮咣蜑,甚至連妻孓囷駭孓啲吃喝都成叻問題。莪去賣汽車,昰為叻養鎵糊ロ。