张小娴 · 150人关注
英文版: Love a person that does not love oneself, that is to suffer. Be being loved by a person that oneself do not love however, it is a beautiful award however. Before long, we long to have a paragraph of OK and romantic love. You do not love him, he however actually foolish gas says agonizedly again: Loving you is the thing of myself!
火星文: 愛┅個鈈愛自己啲囚,那昰煎熬。然洏被┅個自己鈈愛啲囚愛著,卻昰┅個漂煷啲獎座。曾幾何塒,莪們都渴望洧┅段鈳鉯浪漫啲愛。伱鈈愛彵,彵卻竟然儍気又苦澀地詤:愛伱昰莪自己啲倳!