墨子 · 264人关注
英文版: The person of the world all loves each other, strong not hold weak, numerous do not rob few, rich not bully deficient, expensive do not be proud cheap, cheat not bully I. Fan Tian issues disaster seize to hate, the person that can make not rise, be born in order to love each other also. Be with benevolence person praise.
火星文: 兲丅の囚皆相愛,強鈈執弱,眾鈈劫寡,富鈈侮貧,圚鈈傲賤,詐鈈欺愚。凡兲丅禍篡怨恨,鈳使毋起者,鉯相愛苼吔。昰鉯仁者譽の。