孙中山 · 264人关注
英文版: My generation are with Chinese reform development namely oneself, although stone is sodden the sea is withered, and this body still is put, this heart is not dead. Both neither can fail and lose heart, also cannot shrink with difficulty pace, cencentrate attention, vigorously is forward. Deal with the tide that the world develops, what grow evil pass the time in a leisurely way accord with be apt to is providential. Have one of ultimate successes eventually day!
火星文: 吾輩即鉯ф國改革發展為己任,雖石爛海枯,洏此身尚存,此惢鈈迉。既鈈鈳鉯夨敗洏噅惢,亦鈈能鉯困難洏縮步,精神貫紸,猛仂姠前。應付卋堺發展の潮鋶,匼乎善長惡消の兲悝。則終洧朂後成功の┅ㄖ!
白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 白色垃圾, 。