郭敬明 · 358人关注
英文版: Have a reason, you must want to understand as early as possible, because some of person arrives dead all along even, did not make clear this Hunan truth. If so, that this all one's life, it is vivid Debumingbubai. This truth is: You must want to understand, on this world, must somebody can detest you.
火星文: 洧┅個噵悝,伱必須偠盡早朙苩,因為洧些囚甚至┅姠箌迉,都莈洧搞清楚這個噵悝。洳果昰這樣,那這┅輩孓,都算昰活嘚鈈朙鈈苩。這個噵悝就昰:伱必須偠朙苩,這個卋堺仩,必須洧囚茴厭惡伱。