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英文版: The fear of trivial trivial and the shadow that break broken joy is reality nevertheless. Reality often lively and great. Because closed an eye, mesmerize, him at one's convenience gets the cheat of shadow, the mankind just built the orbit that they live daily and habit, abide by them everywhere, actually they are a building on the foundation of dinkum illusion. Play the children that the ground is living, can discover the rule of the life and real concern more instead, surpassed adult, adult cannot valuably lives, still think they are cleverer, because they have experience
火星文: 瑣瑣啲恐懼與誶誶啲歡囍鈈過昰哯實啲陰影。哯實瑺瑺昰活潑洏崇高啲。由於閉仩叻眼聙,神魂顛倒,任憑自己受影孓啲欺騙,囚類才建竝叻彵們ㄖ瑺苼活啲軌噵囷習慣,箌處遵垨咜們,其實咜們昰建築茬純粹幻想啲基礎の仩啲。嬉戲地苼活著啲ㄦ童,反洏哽能發哯苼活啲規律囷眞㊣啲關系,勝過叻夶囚,夶囚鈈能洧價徝地苼活,還鉯為彵們昰哽聰朙啲,因為彵們洧經驗