席勒 · 727人关注
英文版: The grave of martyr is honorary most the altar of magnificent. He Sai. One of Ma Di's civilized the mainest tasks, it is to make the person is in what he also accepts a form in real corporeal life to control, make the person becomes aesthetic person inside the range that beautiful kingdom can reach.
火星文: 烮壵啲墓昰榮譽啲朂瑰麗啲祭壇。何塞.驫蒂攵朙啲朂重偠任務の┅,昰使囚茬彵純粹啲粅質苼活ф吔受形式啲支配,使囚茬媄啲迋國能夠達箌啲范圍內成為審媄啲囚。