
谭嗣同 · 549人关注


英文版: Winch cries, autumn wind evening, waste of cold day waste falls Qiu Yuan. Winch cries, jing Shuihan, 3 more column of well of caw of sort out of subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy. An affectionate couple is gaunt not geminate, two female one hero cries clang. Wail He Chang, fly fly into silver-colored pond. Silver-colored pond is shallow, green ribbon writtens guarantee. Pond water is withered, the belt is incessant. Howl of anxious fetch night is short of a month low, black of rouse on top of the city wall right-fallings stroke. Black of on top of the city wall, lake of an affectionate couple of Chao Chaoyin water. Day of an affectionate couple end Ceng Jianlian comes and go, forget Luo Fu to still have a husband. Husband anger pecks hero, hero goes He Qi, lightly returns, shut this deep and remote boudoir. Deep and remote boudoir goes into hiding that but long, does the Qin Gongjun in the flower know to deny? Be inferior to eternally one grave, long in the company of 300. Person of deep and remote boudoir goes lamplight lonely, according to see collect Wei tear stains is wet. Wish like that with live in caves not empty, earth of every years old of year old spring breeze spends green jade. And the base of a fruit need not lotus, manage repeatedly need not wood,

火星文: 轆轤鳴,秋闏晚,寒ㄖ荒荒丅秋苑。轆轤鳴,囲沝寒,三哽絡繹啼囲欄。鴛鴦憔悴鈈成雙,両雌┅雄鳴鏗鏘。哀鳴聲何長,飝飝入銀塘。銀塘淺,翠帶結。塘沝枯,帶鈈絕。愁魂夜嘯缺仴低,驚起城頭烏磔磔。城頭烏,朝朝飲沝鴛鴦鍸。曾見蓮底鴛鴦ㄖ唻往,莣卻羅敷猶洧夫。夫怒啄雄,雄去何棲,翩然歸唻,閉此幽閨。幽閨匿跡那鈳久,婲裏秦宮君知否?鈈洳萬古┅丘,長偕三百首。幽閨囚去燈咣寂,照見羅幃淚痕濕。哃穴居然願鈈虛,歲歲春闏汢婲碧。並蒂鈈必蓮,連悝鈈必朩,癡骨芉姩哃┅束。

—— 摘自《谭嗣同名言大全》








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