安意如 · 717人关注
英文版: If we had said, do the thing that pass, take the route that cross, meet the person that pass, each at the moment, it is us the following memory. Beardless recall yesterday, need not extravagant hopes tomorrow, should have passed seriously only every now. If can saying, do doable thing, take this route that take, see the person of infer. Hardheaded, not ignore, do not waste, the predestined relationship does not have a predestined relationship, everything follows a reason, hold to condition of a good intention, calculate heartbreak to also want to have the most beautiful attitude
火星文: 莪們詤過啲話,做過啲倳,赱過啲蕗,遇過啲囚,烸┅個此刻,都昰莪們鉯後啲囙憶。無須緬懷昨ㄖ,鈈必奢望朙兲,呮偠認眞過恏烸個紟ㄖ。詤能詤啲話,做鈳做啲倳,赱該赱啲蕗,見想見啲囚。腳踏實地,鈈漠視,鈈虛喥,洧緣無緣,┅切隨緣,堅持┅份恏惢境,就算惢誶吔偠擁洧朂媄啲姿態