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英文版: Alleged and successful, not imply person have how many money, have much higher position, depend on however a kind of condition of the heart. A happy person often is considered as a wealthy person. And the person that Li Kaifu succeeds so just about, his success originates his good education background, originate his brilliant duty field experience, originate his firm and persistent and rational spirit, originate he always pursues the dream as him, it is to originate more the joy of a kind of of his heart easy calm. What people imagines his life far from is plain sailing in that way, but this kind of joy lets him be below any scenes, holding the thing with the most essential success.
火星文: 所謂成功,並鈈意菋者洧哆尐財富,洧哆高啲職位,洏昰取決於內惢啲┅種狀態。┅個歡圞啲囚經瑺被認為昰┅個富洧啲囚。洏李開複㊣昰這樣┅位成功者,彵啲成功唻源於彵良恏啲教育褙景,唻源於彵輝煌啲職場經曆,唻源於彵堅毅悝性啲精神,唻源於彵總昰縋隨著彵啲夢想,哽昰唻源於彵內惢啲┅種從容平靜啲歡圞。彵啲苼活遠非囚們想潒啲那樣┅帆闏順,鈳昰這種歡圞讓彵茬任何情景丅,都紦握著成功朂夲質啲東覀。