平凡的世界 · 465人关注
英文版: The friendly affection between person and person, whether is depending on kin. Yes, in one's childhood, we often kin it this two words look how goodly to mix is important that this two words look how goodly to mix. Once be brought up,grow up, begin independent life, we know very quickly, kindred often low; Try each other benefit from association with sb or sth, touch not glazing with respect to show the whites of eyes; Even the greatest difficulty in your life also often kin people those who cause; The life can tell you likewise, kin often meets not as sincerely to you as the friend.
火星文: 囚囷囚の間啲伖愛,並鈈茬於昰否昰儭戚。昰啲,曉塒候,莪們瑺瑺紦儭戚這両芓看嘚哆仫媄恏囷重偠。┅旦長夶成囚,開始獨竝苼活,莪們便很快知噵,儭戚關系瑺瑺昰庸俗啲;互相設法沾咣,沾鈈仩咣就翻苩眼;甚至伱苼活ф朂夶啲困難吔瑺瑺昰儭戚們造成啲;苼活哃樣茴告訴伱,儭戚往往鈈洳萠伖對伱眞誠相見。
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