冯仑 · 485人关注
英文版: Ideal is the beautiful figure that hangs on the wall, very beautiful; Reality is the daughter-in-law on kang, can give birth to a son, get along. The daughter-in-law that if cannot turn the beautiful woman on the wall into kang,goes up, unripe finally give the child to auspicious day, the ideal of love can wave along with wind die.
火星文: 悝想昰牆仩掛啲媄囚像,很漂煷;哯實昰炕仩啲媳婦,能夠苼ㄦ孓、過ㄖ孓。洳果鈈能紦牆仩啲媄囚變成炕仩啲媳婦、朂後苼絀駭孓唻過恏ㄖ孓,愛情啲悝想就茴隨闏飄逝。