三毛 · 750人关注
英文版: My escape does not have the heats up subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy overly friendship when the thing, this makes me less burden and acceptance. I do not say meaningless idle word more, this makes I feel Qing Chang. I do not go as far as possible recall past, because come,the road when turns round impossibly. I am careful go loving others, because won't run rampant quite. I am lachrymose moment cries, want when to laughing, laugh, want all these to stem from nature only. I do not beg profundity, beg only simple.
火星文: 莪避開無倳塒過汾熱絡啲伖誼,這使莪尐些負擔囷承諾。莪鈈哆詤無謂啲閑訁,這使莪覺嘚清暢。莪盡鈳能鈈去緬懷往倳,因為唻塒啲蕗鈈鈳能囙頭。莪當惢啲去愛別囚,因為仳較鈈茴泛濫。莪愛哭啲塒候便哭,想笑啲塒候便笑,呮偠這┅切絀於自然。莪鈈求深刻,呮求簡單。