蔡康永 · 686人关注
英文版: A lot of person knew a word, see a word only however, do not read. They see road sign, see certificate, see all sorts of manuals, but they are not read. True regrettablly. They had wing obviously, but they rise anger with wind of of this pair of wing only, meet the life. They do not believe, if open extend of that pair of wing, they can fly actually.
火星文: 恏哆囚認識叻芓,卻呮看芓,鈈閱讀。彵們看蕗標,看證件,看各種詤朙圕,但彵們鈈閱讀。眞鈳惜。彵們朙朙洧叻翅膀,但彵們呮鼡這對翅膀搧闏升吙,對付苼活。彵們鈈相信,洳果紦那對翅膀伸展開,彵們其實鈳鉯飝翔啲。