比尔盖茨 · 196人关注
英文版: Most copartner adopts 50 pairs of allocation of 50 law, this is worst method, because must somebody is had,do decision-making ability to just go. Once the company begins to make money, conflict is sure arise subsequently, double copartner opinion fails to meet each other necessarily, arrive in problem drag in especially when money, bilateral conflict heals intense.
火星文: 夶哆數啲匼夥囚都采取五┿對五┿啲汾配法,這昰朂糟啲方法,因為總嘚洧囚擁洧做決策啲能仂才荇。┅旦公司開始賺錢,沖突必萣隨の產苼,両倍匼夥囚意見必然相咗,尤其昰茬問題牽涉箌金錢塒,雙方爭執愈烮。