黄小仙 · 810人关注
英文版: I know, there are a lot of outstanding youths on the market, have a person certainly, humorous and not feigned, tender and not salty, appearance is not dignified also, but want a smile only, can move my heart. There is so much screwball in boundless and indistinct sea of faces, a place to stay that does not have a such people?
火星文: 莪知噵,市場仩洧很哆優秀啲姩輕囚,┅萣洧┅個囚,幽默洏鈈做作,溫柔洏鈈鹹,外表吔鈈端莊,但呮偠┅個微笑,就能咑動莪啲惢。茫茫囚海ф洧那仫哆怪囚,難噵就莈洧這樣┅個囚啲容身の地嗎?