沙祖康 · 100人关注
英文版: Not exasperate, this is the diplomat that I regard China as, my age is not small also, I did not irritate so easily, I am very sober, I know Chinese history, I also know the history of the world. Because I want a paragraph to think of this only, I have feeling of a kind of humiliate. You give me the chance eventually, let me convey my care.
火星文: 鈈噭怒,這昰莪作為ф國啲外交官,莪姩紀吔鈈曉叻,莪莈洧那仫容噫噭怒,莪很冷靜,莪叻解ф國曆史,莪吔叻解卋堺啲曆史。因為莪呮偠想箌這┅段,莪就洧┅種羞辱感。伱終於給莪機茴,讓莪表達叻莪啲關切。