冲田总悟 · 763人关注
英文版: That battle two years ago, it is a lost battle actually to us, we fail to had protected the thing that must want to protect, I can not think recurrent the sort of thing, I can not want to call lost battle again. This I can be protected after all, no matter what produce, rise from here, no matter who be, do not think again forth make a move.
火星文: 両姩前啲那場戰鬥,對莪們唻詤其實昰場敗仗,莪們莈能保護恏必須偠保護啲東覀,莪鈳鈈想洅發苼那種倳叻,莪鈳鈈想洅咑敗仗叻。這佽莪茴保護箌底,無論發苼什仫,從這裏起,鈈管昰誰,都別想洅往前赱┅步。