马寅初 · 628人关注
英文版: Comprehend and study, want to notice two do not connect fine, one is hidebound, not must literary history foundation, without the preparation with theoretic science, without the collection of first-hand data, produce the thing that come, not be sallow and emaciated, it is abnormal development; 2 it is dyspeptic, to book learning, no matter the ancients today person or the doctrine of a certain authority, want to be studied deep, meticulous and masticatory, think independently, bolt of avoid by all means, echo what other says, drift with the tide, careless, be satisfied with a smattering of a subject.
火星文: 領悟囷鑽研,偠紸意両個鈈連良,┅個昰營養鈈良,莈洧必須啲攵史基礎,莈洧科學悝論仩啲准備,莈洧第┅掱資料啲收集,搞絀唻啲東覀,鈈昰面黃肌瘦,就昰畸形發展;②昰消囮鈈良,對於圕夲知識,無論古囚紟囚戓某個權威啲學詤,偠深入鑽研,過細咀嚼,獨竝思考,切忌囫圇吞棗,囚雲亦雲,隨波逐鋶,粗枝夶旪,淺嘗輒止。