马寅初 · 108人关注
英文版: Inside valence and outside when at the same time stability cannot hold valence concurrently, the price outside be being maintained with the price inside its sacrifice, the price outside be inferior to sacrifice instead is maintained inside of valence to heal. Because of inside price is stable, interest rate is not had what go up to fall suddenly suddenly is necessary, entrepreneur does not have an apprehension, but the development of facilities of home of bone up on.
火星文: 內價與外價哃塒穩萣鈈鈳兼嘚塒,與其犧牲內價維持外價,反鈈洳犧牲外價維持內價の為愈。因內價穩萣,利率無忽漲忽落の必偠,企業鎵無所顧慮,鈳專惢致志於國內倳業の發展。