巴尔扎克 · 175人关注
英文版: Be in Paris, there is ear on rank edge, there is mouth on the door, there is an eye on the window; The most dangerous nothing is more... than speaks in gate mouth. Each other are faced those who say is final a few, be just like the postscript on the letter, it is euqally dangerous that the secret of place leak follows saying person to heard person.
火星文: 茬巴黎,階沿仩洧聑朵,闁仩洧嘴巴,窗仩洧眼聙;朂危險啲莫過於茬夶闁ロ講話。彼此臨赱詤啲朂後幾句,恏仳信仩啲附筆,所泄漏啲秘密對聽箌啲囚哏詤啲囚┅樣危險。