顾小白 · 175人关注
英文版: Had had an investigation, in asking a men and women the concern, most what is the level that yields a person to feel good? The person answer of 99% says: Be in most at the beginning, each other are enchanted, each other explore, the days that each other care, but every time we are busy of incessantly go downward, always feel the relation goes further further, we can arrive closely to also do not part again, the result is we part with the rapiddest rate.
火星文: 洧過┅項調查,問侽囡關系ф,朂讓囚覺嘚媄恏啲階段昰什仫?百汾の九┿九啲囚囙答詤:茬朂┅開始,彼此惢動,彼此試探,彼此牽掛啲塒咣,但烸┅佽莪們忙鈈迭啲往丅赱,總覺嘚關系進┅步洅進┅步,莪們就鈳鉯緊箌洅吔鈈汾開,結果昰莪們鉯朂快啲速喥汾開。