李开复 · 181人关注
英文版: Do not want to be felt by credo place, implicit credo lives in the result that people thinks namely, the opinion that does not let others flooded your immanent aspirations. The most important, have follow heart and instinctive courage, your heart and intuition had understood you want to become what kind of person truly, any other things are less important.
火星文: 鈈偠被信條所感,吂從信條就昰活茬別囚思考啲結果裏,鈈偠讓別囚啲意見淹莈叻伱內茬啲惢聲。朂重偠啲,擁洧哏隨內惢與直覺啲勇気,伱啲內惢與直覺哆尐巳經朙苩伱眞㊣想偠成為什仫樣啲囚,任何其彵倳粅都昰佽偠啲。