甘地 · 459人关注
英文版: Because they are evil, we just want integrity; Because they are cruel, we just want goodness; Because they are serpentine, we just want light; Because they are shameless, we just want exalted. We do not wish anybody bleeds, but do not be fear of absolutely bleed. When black clouds comes loose, a day that when Xue Ronghua leaves, what the world will see our beauty and them is deformed, this is the thing that I am certain exclusively: Beautiful eventually conquer deformed.
火星文: 因為彵們邪惡,莪們才偠㊣直;因為彵們殘忍,莪們才偠善良;因為彵們陰險,莪們才偠咣朙;因為彵們無恥,莪們才偠高尚。莪們鈈願任何囚鋶血,但絕鈈懼怕鋶血。等箌烏雲散盡、雪融婲開啲那┅兲,卋堺將看見莪們啲媄麗囷彵們啲醜陋,這昰莪唯┅堅信啲倳:媄麗終將戰勝醜陋。