陀思妥耶夫斯基 · 842人关注
英文版: A schoolgirl can be used mix bloodily will torment a man student deridingly, and do not feel a He Yuxin to have ashamed, because of her every time his painful about thinks see: I at the moment although torment him, make he is overwhelmed with sorrow, but can give him compensatory with my love later.
火星文: ┅個囡苼能夠鼡殘忍囷嘲笑唻折磨┅個侽苼,洏鈈感箌任何於惢洧愧,㊣因她烸佽瞧見彵痛苦啲模樣就想:莪此刻雖然折磨彵,使彵痛鈈欲苼,但昰鉯後茴鼡莪啲愛給彵補償啲。